About me

My name is Sotes.

To those of you who came here from my facebook or linkedin account, you already know that Sotes is not my real name. No, it is a real name, I mean it is not my legal name but real people actually call me by that name so that makes Sotes a real person. So addressing me by either Sotes or by my legal name does not make any difference, you are still referring to the same person called "me".

Anyway, I have only been in the energy efficiency field for a few years now. Not long enough to make me an expert in this field. What I have gained so far are small experiences and knowledge gained from work, research, home (yes, I treat my home as another energy system), school (still able to recall few rusting lessons) and a special superpower that enables me to see burning money and a generation of unlucky individuals every time I see energy (yes I can also see it with my eyes) flowing in the direction of waste.

Why listen to a non-expert? Well, first of all, I am not a newbie either. If you would rank expertise level as newbie, intermediate, advanced, expert, and super-expert, I would say that I am somewhere in the lower middle, that is, in between intermediate and advance levels. If Michael Bluejay did not use the term yet, I would have said that I am an information-organizer. That would have been something that would make even the super-experts come to this site. But since a genius writer already used the term, I would just settle down to be a humble researcher. I gather information mostly from free sources and organize them for my readers.

Okay, I was only trying to be humble in order to play safe and avoid criticism. So I change my mind, I decided that I am an information-organizer too. Criticism is most welcome.